网络注册时时彩有限公司. 隐私政策




We have created our policies to reflect that respect and carefully outline below what information we collect from you, 我们为什么要收集它, 以及我们将如何处理这些信息. The GFS的化学物质 Website has been designed so that personal information is not accessible to the general public. 用户可浏览政府统计处网站的一般区域, 包括目录信息, but must register in order to view pricing information and specialized content.

If you feel that GFS的化学物质 is not abiding by this privacy policy, please contact us. If you feel you do not receive proper acknowledgment of your inquiry or your inquiry has not been satisfactorily addressed, 我们鼓励你与商业促进局联系.

GFS的化学物质 authorizes you to view and download the materials at this Website ("Site") only for your personal non-commercial use provided that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original materials on any copies of the materials. You may not modify the materials at this Site in anyway or reproduce or publicly display, 执行, or distribute or otherwise use them for any public or commercial purpose. The materials at this Website are copyrighted and any unauthorized use of any materials at this site may violate copyright, 商标, 以及其他法律. You may print and download portions of material from the different areas solely for your own non-commercial use.  You agree not to change or delete any proprietary notices from materials downloaded or printed from the Site. 如果你违反了这些条款, your authorization to use this Site automatically terminates and you must immediately destroy any downloaded or printed materials.

GFS的化学物质 is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others.

Federal regulations carefully restrict to whom GFS的化学物质 may sell its products. 出于这个原因, GFS的化学物质 collects personal information during the registration process for the purpose of verifying the legitimacy of the user's actions and requests. GFS的化学物质 also collects profile information from registered and purchasing users who subscribe to our newsletters. This profile information is used for internal marketing purposes only and will not be shared, 出售, 或者租给第三方.

除了个人身份信息, which is covered under the GFS的化学物质 Privacy Statement any material, information or other communication you transmit or post to this site ("Communication") is, 并将被视为, 非机密和非专有, and may be used for any purpose without compensation to you.


  • 名称;
  • 职位名称及雇主名称;
  • 工作或其他地址;
  • 工作或其他电子邮件地址;
  • 工作或其他电话号码;
  • Browsing information relating to your use of our Site; and
  • Internet Protocol (IP) address of your Internet Service Provider

We use IP addresses and Personal Data collected to analyze trends, 管理网站, 跟踪用户的移动, 并收集广泛的人口统计信息以供汇总使用. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information, 但只是用来追踪网站的使用情况.

GFS化学公司遵守“选择加入/选择退出”的电子邮件政策. This means that apart from confirmation e-mails sent when you register, 订阅或取消订阅时事通讯, 创建申请和/或确认在线订单, or to notify registered used of special GFS promotions and news, we will not send any email that you have not specifically requested. E-mail newsletters will include directions on how to unsubscribe on each message. You may also change your subscription preferences at any time by going to "My Account" after you log in.  Please note that while we endeavor to respond to such requests promptly, it can take some time for your opt-out request to be implemented and for future direct marketing communications (if chosen) to cease; we apologize if you receive emails that have already been scheduled for dispatch while your request is being processed.  如下所述, you may also choose to exercise other rights you may have under applicable law – such as the right to access, 更正或删除您的个人资料..

In order to use certain areas of this Website, a user may have to register and log in. Any information provided during registration is for registration integrity and will be used only by GFS的化学物质.“Web User”: Web users have the ability to register on site and download literature and relevant communication tools. In future they will have limited access to non- hazardous or product purchases not restricted by government regulations for sale unless a business account is set up with proper procedures. 

"Business Account User": These purchasing users may access all areas of the Website available to registered users including pricing on our site and with the added rights of purchasing online, 查看订单历史, 并将报价转换为订单. Additional requirements will be stipulated for products listed under DEA enforced regulations.

在gfchemicals期间.com business account registration process we ask you to provide us with your name, 公司联系方式, 电子邮件地址, 并指定一个密码.  We ask that you provide us with a completed "Chemical Purchasing Form." This form includes information required by GFS的化学物质 and the Federal Government before we can approve you as a purchaser.

The Personal Data we obtain is used for the purposes (as described above) for which you have given your consent, 除非适用的隐私法另有许可. GFS does not sell on details of our customers and we will contact you about GFS products and services only when it is lawful for us to do so. Where necessary we will seek your consent to use your Personal Data for marketing purposes.


我们只分享个人数据, 在必要的程度上与外部各方进行沟通, 履行订单, 跟进产品的相关信息, services or training courses with third parties who 执行 specific functions on our behalf. We will never sell your personal information to outside parties.

如果我们向任何外部方披露您的个人数据, we will ensure that this sharing is protected under an appropriate contract so that your Personal Data is only used by such outside parties in connection with the services they are delivering on our behalf. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of outside parties – such practices are subject to their respective privacy policies, but we do seek to work with trusted partners whose practices and values reflect our own.

Please note that your Personal Data may also be disclosed under special circumstances to governmental bodies in order for GFS to comply with legal or regulatory requirements.

Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. 因为这个原因, we never seek to collect or maintain information at our Site from those we actually know are under 13, and no part of our Site is structured to attract anyone under 16.

The GFS的化学物质 Website uses a programming feature known as "cookies" to identify customers and allow them to control and/or update their accounts online. The information that is collected through these cookies is used only for internal Website and marketing planning. 请注意,因为我们的注册, 登录, 结账程序也很安全, you must have cookies enabled to be able to use any of these features.  Unless you have specifically told us who you are, the cookie will not let us know who you are.  You can set your browser settings to alert you before a cookie is placed on your computer or to reject cookies but please note that this may restrict your ability to use all features of the Site.

我们使用IP地址来分析趋势, 管理网站, 跟踪用户的移动, 并收集广泛的人口统计信息以供汇总使用. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information 但只是用来追踪网站的使用情况.

本网站可能包含与其他网站的链接. Links to third party Websites on this site are provided solely as a convenience to you. 如果您使用这些链接,您将离开本网站. Please be aware that GFS的化学物质 is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. If you decide to access any of the third-party sites linked to this Site, 这样做的风险完全由你自己承担. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every Website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this Website.

You also understand that GFS的化学物质 cannot and does not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading through the Site are or will be free of infection or viruses, 蠕虫, Trojan horses or other code that manifest contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to the Site for the reconstruction of any lost data.

This Website takes every precaution to protect our users' information. 当用户通过本网站提交敏感信息时, 您的信息无论在线还是离线都受到保护.

All information that is collected by GFS的化学物质 via this Website is stored in a secure server with limited access. Only authorized 员工 of GFS的化学物质 and Programming contractors will be able to access this information.

GFS的化学物质 currently secures the following areas of our Website using a combination of Transport Layer 安全 (TSL)/Secured Socket Layers (SSL) approach.

  • 用户注册
  • 用户升级到企业帐户请求 
  • 用户登录 
  • 用户付款

GFS的化学物质 collects user comments and feedback on our products, services, and Website through the 电子邮件地址. All questions, comments, and concerns sent to this address will be answered as quickly as possible. If you are not satisfied with our response or you feel that the processing of your data by GFS infringes any applicable law, you have right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

You have the right to request access to the Personal Data we hold about you at any time by emailing 并注明您的姓名和本网站的名称. We will take reasonable efforts to provide you with a summary of any Personal Data collected by us. 这取决于你的要求, 这件事我们可能要花一个月的时间来处理, from when we have completed the required verification of your identity and the scope of your request.

GFS的化学物质 reserves the right to change and update this privacy policy at any time. The policy posted on this page will always reflect the most current version of our privacy practices.

你同意赔偿, 保护和保护GFS化学公司, 其军官, 董事, 员工, 代理, 子公司, 授权人专有, suppliers and any third party information providers to the Site from and against all losses, 费用, 损害赔偿和费用,包括合理的律师费, 因您违反本条款而导致的.